Can I buy Reliance Industry stock now, as of dtd 31/3/2017?
If you are planning to buy Reliance Industries share; go ahead and buy them in a staggered approach + buy them on every dips.
Above pic, is of my portfolio where I was buying daily one stock of Reliance Industries from March 23rd (portfolio is very small - but I believe in buying with a staggered approach and in that too I buy multiple companies.
Reliance Industries is very fundamentally strong company with profitable books (I don’t think you need someone to tell you this fact).
On top of this, before couple of months they came into market with JIO -> cornered a large pie of market share with free data and calls -> and now in Mid February Mr. Mukesh Ambani announced that they will monetize Reliance JIO with Reliance Prime fee of Rs 99, and then Monthly fee of Rs. 149/303/450 and so on…which will in turn make their books profitable aftre couple of months.
It’s a dirty business world…
Second thing: there are strong rumors in market that Reliance is going to jump in Taxi Business.
In short, there is upmove for Reliance Industries Share price with a target of Rs. 1500 (by year end).
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